Use separate high lift pumps wherever possible when pressures exceed 500, Having a Ground Force Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) protection device as per the. It is recommended that, when fire pumps constitute the sole or primary water supply for fire protection purposes on large systems, at least two fire pumps be installed. Protection from these types of threats must be integrated into all design considerations. Director Notification is required within 30 days of completing or placing the alteration into service if: Learn more: Watermain disinfection procedure. Minimum criteria relative to rate of filtration, structural details and hydraulics, filter media, etc., provided for rapid rate gravity filters also apply to pressure filters where appropriate. To make an alteration or modification that has not been included as a preauthorized condition, you will need to amend your drinking water works permit (DWWP). Where raw water systems exceed 0.025 mg/L of arsenic then every effort should be made to locate an alternative raw water source or, if there is no other source available in the localized area then a treatment strategy must be planned to effectively reduce the total arsenic level to preferably below 0.010 mg/L. A manual override shall be provided on all automatic controls. Give thorough mixing of compressed air with water being treated; Provide screened and filtered air, free of obnoxious fumes, dust, dirt and other contaminants. Automatic air relief valves shall not be used in situations where flooding of the manhole or chamber may occur. A minimum of two treatment processes shall be piloted following a desktop study which identifies the pilot program and the protocol to follow. The system shall be designed to include an adequate under drain and supporting gravel system, brine distribution equipment, and cross connection control. Discharge shall be to an effective drainage structure; Permanent casing and grout shall be provided; If erosion of the confining bed appears likely, special protective construction may be required by the reviewing authority. The coarsest gravel shall be 50. minimize loss of head in the manifold and laterals; ensure even distribution of wash-water and even rate of filtration over the entire area of the filter; provide the ratio of the area of the final openings of the strainer systems to the area of the filter at about 0.003; provide the total cross-sectional area of the laterals at about twice the total area of the final openings; provide the total cross-sectional area of the manifold at 1-1/2 to 2 times the total area of the laterals; lateral perforations without strainers shall be directed downward. Acceptable methods of waste disposal typically include discharge to a municipal sewer system, to waste treatment facilities, or to an evaporation pond. Ensure that construction materials are compatible with the aggressive nature of salt. Plans or specifications shall outline the procedure and include the disinfectant dosage, contact time, and method of testing the results of the procedure. In recent years, some chemical contaminants have had their maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) levels reduced while concern for microbiological contaminants in public water supplies has heightened. No chemicals shall be applied to treat drinking water unless specifically permitted by the reviewing authority. Provisions should be made for applying chlorine as a secondary disinfectant to the water entering the distribution system. The "Summary of Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality supercedes all previous versions, including that contained in the published booklet. Water containing high turbidity may require pretreatment, usually coagulation, flocculation and clarification with the addition of coagulation chemicals. All public water supplies need to identify and address security needs in design and construction for new projects and for retrofits of existing drinking water systems. In order to keep interested parties informed of changes to the Guidelines between publication of new editions, a summary table entitled "Summary of Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality" is updated and published every spring on Health Canada's website . Alternative water sources should be investigated when the sodium content and dissolved solids concentration is of concern with respect to health (low sodium diets). Chemicals shall be stored in covered or unopened shipping containers, unless it is transferred into an approved storage unit; have an overflow and receiving basin or drain capable of receiving accidental spills or overflows so that spilled chemicals will not enter watercourses. Adsorption by powdered activated carbon (PAC). Phase I of the BC Ground Water Protection Regulations stipulates tagging requirements for newly completed or closed wells. Analytical testing equipment and proper laboratory procedures shall be included in the pilot plant and final prototype to accurately measure the levels of arsenic in the raw and treated water. Refer to Appendix C for concept drawings. have minimum weights and thickness in accordance with accepted practices; have additional thickness and weight ,if minimum thickness is not considered sufficient, to assure reasonable life expectancy of a well; be capable of withstanding forces to which it is subjected; be equipped with a drive shoe when driven; have full circumferential welds or threaded coupling joints. WebPost author By ; Post date sample introduction for accomplishment report; amc canberra news on mecp design guidelines for drinking water systems on mecp design Security for public water system facilities is imperative. Iron, manganese, or a combination of the two, should not exceed 0.3 mg/L in the water as applied to the ion exchange resin. This shall be the case where the water main is either above or below the sewer with preference to the water main above the sewer. Where permitted for other types of services, booster pumps shall be designed in accordance with Section 6.4. Piping 50 millimetres in diameter or greater can be stainless steel. The final filter design shall be based on the pilot plant or in-plant demonstration studies and all portions of Section "Rapid Rate Gravity Filters". Dimensional requirements for bolted and welded steel tanks are specified in. When locating water storage facilities, consideration should be given to maintaining water quality. Proposals for use of disinfecting agents other than those listed shall be approved by the reviewing authority prior to preparation of final plans and specifications. The Design Guidelines for First nations Water Works (Design Guidelines) were developed to serve as a general guide to engineers in the preparation of plans and specifications for public water supply systems on First Nations Lands. All wells shall be constructed by BC registered drillers as required by the B.C. In the event that the water source, and/or the treatment process has not been determined, a feasibility report shall precede the pre-design report and shall include the advantages and disadvantages of each water source under consideration as well as an evaluation of at least two water treatment techniques to render the water potable. Separate inlet and outlet pipes, as well as means to avoid stagnation and thermal stratification while encouraging mixing should be considered. It may be necessary to operate a pilot plant in order to gather all information pertinent to the design. Laboratory equipment shall be provided for determining the effectiveness of stabilization treatment. Useful Life of the Membrane: The membrane replacement represents a major cost component in the overall water production costs. All water mains, including those not designed to provide fire protection, shall be sized after a hydraulic analysis based on flow demands and pressure requirements. Refer to the INAC document entitled "Practical Guide to Capital Projects" for further details on each phase of the project. The terms "shall" and "must" are used where practice is sufficiently standardized to permit specific delineation of requirements or where safeguarding of the public health justifies such definite action. Hydraulic mixing is the preferred method of mixing. These filters can effectively, remove particles from water in the size range of Giardia cysts Unit process flexibility which allows for optimization of treatment. Provide a preliminary process control schematic. All pilot work and testing will be done in-situ close by the actual source of the raw water. Packers shall be of material that will not impart taste, odour, toxic substances or bacterial contamination to the well water. Every new, modified or reconditioned groundwater or. The following raw water parameters should be evaluated in the report: colour, with weekly measurement for a minimum of one year; turbidity, with minimum weekly measurement for a minimum of one year; bacterial concentration such as total coliforms, and E. Coli; microscopic biological organisms such as Giardia, and Cryptosporidium; general inorganic chemical characteristics; total organic carbon, with weekly measurement for a minimum of one year; trihalomethane formation potential, (THMFP) with quarterly measurement for minimum of one year; additional parameters as required by the reviewing authority. The three main factors which can accelerate corrosion are: Control of corrosion is a function of the design, maintenance, and operation of a public water supply. Check maintenance facilities and storage space provided for spare parts. For organic contamination found in groundwater sources: Types of organic chemicals, sources, concentration, estimate of residence time within the aquifer, plume delineation, flow characteristics, water pollution abatement schedule. Backwash streams or rejects from RO systems may be discharged to the sewer or to septic tanks with the approval of the reviewing authority. The trivalent species predominates as a weak acid in the pH range of 2 to 9, while the pentavalent species occurs as a strong acid.
However, consideration should be given to the bag or cartridge filters ability to remove particles in the size range of Cryptosporidium since this is a current public health concern. Water storage tanks are typically made of concrete or steel. Brine waste may be discharged to a stream if adequate dilution is available. 298 0 obj
Overflows shall discharge at least 0.45 metres above grade and flood level, and be visible. The reviewing authority shall be consulted prior to design and construction regarding a proposed well location as it relates to required separation between existing and potential sources of contamination and groundwater development. Backfill material shall be tamped in layers around the pipe and to a sufficient height above the pipe to adequately support and protect the pipe. Factory testing of controls and process equipment prior to shipment. Reduced sedimentation time may also be approved when equivalent effective settling is demonstrated or when overflow rate is not more than 1.2. At the beginning of each filter cycle and/or after every backwash of the pre-filters a set amount of water should be discharged to waste before water flows into the bag/cartridge filter. The above notwithstanding all designs should provide for low mechanical content to the greatest extent possible. A number of states in the U.S.A. have accepted bag and cartridge technology as an alternate technology for compliance with the filtration requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule. Equipment containing mercury may not be connected to any liquid system within a water treatment plant where it is possible that mercury may escape into water which subsequently is delivered to consumers. Each pump shall have a positive-acting check valve on the discharge side between the pump and the shut-off valve. Where only two units are provided, each shall be capable of meeting the plant design capacity (normally the projected maximum daily demand) at the approved rate. A holding tank should be used to control discharge rates. The aggressiveness of the water after aeration should be determined and corrected by additional treatment, if necessary. The final water depth should be 1.5 to 2. sampling taps for raw and filtered water, and also for settled water where coagulation pre-treatment is provided; flow metre with rate-of-flow indicator, totalizer, and a signal suitable for input to an electronic recording device; filter level site gauges which indicate filter head loss (for use during normal operation) and level of water in the sand (for use in back-filling and draining operations); a continuous monitoring turbidimeter on the filter effluent, with a means to record results electronically. Water services shall conform to the Canadian Plumbing code; If residential fire sprinkler systems are expected to be installed in houses or multi- family dwellings, then residential sprinkler system flows and domestic supply flows should be combined in one service pipe. Critical components that comprise single points of failure (, Human access should be through controlled locations only. Sodium carbonate shall be stored in a separate room with outside access only; Where feasible viewing windows shall be installed between each chemical room and the central control room or exterior walkways; Preferred shipping is by double walled 25. UF processes have a lower cutoff rating of .005-.01 microns. Water Conditioning: Conditioning of water is required if the alkalinity is too low to ensure effective coagulation for subsequent treatment or the water is so aggressive that serious corrosion could occur in the distribution piping or in internal plumbing systems in homes. The storage facility shall provide fire protection storage capacity as indicated in the following table: The required total effective storage should be based on the following formula: For evaluating water storage standpipes and water storage tanks elevated on towers, emergency storage should be considered on the bottom, fire protection storage on top of emergency storage, and equalization storage volume on top; The minimum storage capacity or (equivalent capacity) for systems not providing fire protection shall be equal to the average daily consumption. Water with low alkalinity or pH should be treated with percolating lime rock contactors or the application of an alkali chemical, such as sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) or sodium carbonate (soda ash). En savoir plus sur les navigateurs que nous supportons. Although standards and advisories for organics are being developed, there have been numerous cases of organic contamination of public water supply sources. The reviewing authority must be contacted for approval of specific applications of pitless units. All storage tanks shall be contained in a curbed concrete containment area large enough to contain at least one full storage drum. The tanks should be provided with an automatic declining level control system on the make-up water line; Wet salt storage basins must be equipped with manholes or hatchways for access and for direct dumping of salt from truck or railcar. Plants treating ground water using iron removal, manganese removal, and/or ion exchange softening should have the capability to monitor and record free chlorine residual. The disinfection procedure (AWWA C652 chlorination method 3, section 4.3) which allows use of heavily chlorinated water held in the storage tank for disinfection purposes is not recommended. At least two manholes shall be provided above the waterline at each compartment. Surface or subsurface wash facilities are required except for filters used exclusively for iron or manganese removal, and may be accomplished by a system of fixed nozzles or a revolving-type apparatus. assuring discharge at a point of positive pressure; or. These conditions pertain to raw water without coagulation pre-treatment. Estimated cost of integral parts of the system; Detailed estimated annual cost of operation and maintenance (Operation costs should include estimates for labour, chemicals, special equipment contracts, heat, and electricity. Storage structures which provide pressure directly to the distribution system shall be designed so they can be isolated from the distribution system and drained for cleaning or maintenance without necessitating loss of pressure in the distribution system. The following treatment processes may be considered for the removal of arsenic: Not all the above treatment options are pH dependent, but where they are, consideration should be given to raising or depressing the pH of the raw water to suit the selected process with the appropriate chemical. Control of organic contamination for public water supplies. In situations where two colours do not have sufficient contrast to easily differentiate between them, a 150 mm band of contrasting colour should be on one of the pipes at approximately 750 mm intervals. As per Health Canada Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality - Supporting Documentation on Turbidity - for chemically assisted filtration (i.e., continuous feed of a coagulant with mixing ahead of filtration), source water turbidity levels should be measured at least once per calendar day directly in front of where the first treatment chemical is applied. Hypochlorite feeders of the positive displacement type or in tablet form must be provided depending on the hypochlorite selected (see Part 5). Surface Wash or Subsurface Wash. Filter backwash can be discharged to a receiving stream provided waste quality meets environmental regulations. Cold water performance, flux rates, pressure, power and waste treatment requirements should be investigated. The design capacity for hardness removal should not exceed 46 kg/m3 when resin is regenerated with 0.14 kg of salt per kg of hardness removed. Also, the requirement for a certified operator should be included in the analysis. Direct electrical contact between different metals in the presence of high conductance water. Filters shall be provided and shall conform to the applicable section in this part of the guidelines. Detention Time - shall provide a minimum of four hours of settling time. They will not produce negative pressure in their inlet lines; The inlet pressure should be at least 140, Automatic cutoff pressure should be at least 140. Discussion of the various sites considered and advantages of the recommended ones; The proximity of residences, industries, and other establishments; Any potential sources of pollution that may influence the quality of the supply or interfere with effective operation of the water works system, such as sewage absorption systems, septic tanks, privies, cesspools, sink holes, sanitary landfills, or refuse and garbage dumps; Information regarding permits, licenses, and upgrades required. Discharge from drainage collection and air relief valves cannot be directly connected to sewer systems (See 8.5.3). Down spout pipes shall not enter or pass through the reservoir. Include 100% redundancy in the design of the chlorine feed equipment. There are many ways to contact the Government of Ontario. The centre of a pipeline is the preferred application point. The laboratory shall be equipped to meet the applicable Workers' Compensation Board (W.C.B) safety requirements. Accder aux paramtres de votre navigateur. The fundamental intent of this Document is therefore to establish, as far as is practical, a uniformity of design and practice for First Nations water systems. The reviewing authority may require additional information which is not part of the construction drawings, such as head loss calculations, proprietary technical data, copies of deeds, or copies of contracts. be constructed of materials resistant to damage by chemical action of groundwater or cleaning operations (stainless steel); have size of openings based on sieve analysis of formation and/or gravel pack materials; have sufficient length and diameter to provide adequate specific capacity and low aperture entrance velocity.
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mecp design guidelines for drinking water systems